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Let us raise you up...
Our 6 Pillars have everything covered for creating your perfect website. You can follow along below...

Research to discover you and your customers’ requirements. We’ll use this information to create a persona, a fictional character that embodies the type of person we want to see using your website. By analysing their needs, we can then plan out key features on your new site, such as user experience, language, visual identity and more.

With a focus on our mapped persona, we will work closely with you to understand what success looks like and how to achieve your goals using key messaging. We will need to start mapping out key pages and navigational elements. From this a wireframe will be produced.

We can now progress onto your site's visual identity, creating initial designs starting with universal elements, such as menu, headers and footers and moving onto your homepage and other key pages, as agreed in your wireframe.
More about our Design service

We are now ready to start work building your new website. The site will be made in a test environment, accessible both by our developers and your team. A live ticketing system will be used so your feedback can be collected during the website's creation process. Frequently this creates additional ideas and feedback. This input is valued, and will rapidly rolled out as needed.
More about our Web Development service

& Deployment
With the development website ready and rolled out to both teams, we will provide training to let you log in and make content changes. We undertake a range of scans to make sure we’ve hit all our quality standards. Once all the boxes are checked, we move onto deployment, pushing your new website live.
More about our Hosting service

With live traffic now active on the site, we can ensure your visitors are using the site as we expected, free of unexpected issues. We can also start to collect information on goal completions and get a better understanding of on site conversions. For a brochure site, this might be something as simple as a PDF download, a website form completion and clicking a phone number.
More about our SEO service